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Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan represents the contribution of many participants within the TJ community (including parents, faculty, students and alumni) who thoughtfully consider how TJ can build on its strong foundation and continue to improve the world-class education it provides to students.

Read the plan

Strategic Plan Objectives

The five main strategic plan objectives are:

  1. The Program
  2. The Faculty
  3. Community
  4. The Student Experience
  5. The Future

Our School's Mission

Through a dedication to academic excellence, Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School stands accountable for educating students to make the most of their abilities. The School educated students to:

  • acquire and refine essential academic knowledge and skills
  • cultivate an appreciation of the arts
  • develop lifelong fitness skills
  • assume responsibility of their behavior
  • seek out challenge
  • welcome criticism
  • test new capacities
  • practice self-discipline
  • find joy in learning

Honor and Advance our legacy of successful education of our students
by reaffirming the School’s unwavering commitment to its Mission, Honor Code, classical liberal arts program, and the traditions and values foundational to providing an extraordinary education that develops graduates who are critical thinkers, effective communicators, and leaders of character ready to succeed in college and life.

In fulfillment of its Mission for over 30 years, TJ has stood accountable for educating students to make the most of their abilities, guiding them to acquire and refine essential academic knowledge and skills through a time-tested classical liberal arts program. TJ’s values, as embodied in the Mission and Honor Code, instill in our students a desire to assume responsibility for their behavior, seek out challenge, welcome criticism, test new capacities, practice self-discipline, and find joy in learning. Extra and co-curricular student activities provide meaningful student experiences that support intellectual and character development, cultivate an appreciation of the arts, and develop life-long fitness skills. The Mission, values, and traditions that define TJ are even more relevant in the rapidly changing 21st century in preparing students to be responsible and engaged citizens.


  1. The TJIDS Mission is visible, integrated, and fulfilled throughout the School community.
    • Review and strengthen processes that ensure the Mission is visible and communicated to and ingrained in the School community.
  2. Community connections are sustained and enhanced through our Mission-aligned traditions.
    • Develop and implement a process to regularly review and sustain traditions that align with our Mission and goals.
    • Consider and incorporate new traditions that further bond the TJ community, including alumni and alumni parents.
  3. Our Honor Code and the role of citizenship are infused throughout the culture and community of the School.
    • Continue to integrate, communicate, and celebrate our Honor Code to further develop engaged students and citizens.
  4. The core academic program retains the foundation and strengths of its classical liberal arts programming and its timeless relevance to our 21st century world.
    • Ensure the School’s curriculum and pedagogy remain completely Mission-aligned and continue to provide students with the best preparation for success in college and in life.
    • Continually assess the process for student admissibility to and preparedness for college.
    • Continue to review, evaluate, and implement processes to ensure effective delivery of the School’s program and pedagogy.
    • Develop and implement a system to continually research best practices surrounding technology use and implementation in K-12 settings and ensure those practices support the School’s Mission and enhance our focus on college preparation.

Cultivate and sustain a team of passionate world-class educators and staff by attracting, retaining, and developing those who embrace and embody the School’s Mission and are united in achieving the Mission.

The School’s team of dedicated, passionate, highly qualified faculty, staff, and administrators is the conduit through which it achieves its Mission. Each individual of the team internalizes and actively promotes the value of TJ’s Mission, Honor Code, and the independent school model. The School brings students together with teachers who exemplify intellectual curiosity, a dedication to truth, and the advantages of living an examined life. Our faculty and staff serve as role models to our students by embodying the Mission and Honor Code and nurturing within students the joy of learning. The faculty serve as ambassadors for the School to our community and constituents. As such, they must embody the School’s values as defined in the Honor Code. The success of TJ and its students depend on the pivotal contribution of the faculty and administrators, necessitating robust processes to attract, professionally develop, and retain the best educators and education leaders in the region.


  1. The organizational structure of the School is designed and resourced to fully support the execution of the Mission.
    • Develop a growth plan that supports the needs of the faculty in their execution of the School’s Mission and delivery of the academic and extra/co-curricular programs to further support our students.
  2. There is an effective and consistently implemented process for attracting and retaining the most talented faculty and staff.
    • Enhance, consistently review, and implement the process for attracting and retaining talented faculty and staff.
  3. There is a clear and comprehensive professional development plan to support the ongoing academic and pedagogic growth of faculty and staff.
    • Enhance and fully implement the onboarding program for new faculty to ensure the Mission, Honor Code, culture, and traditions of the School are understood and upheld.
    • Establish consistent funding for a comprehensive professional development plan to further support Mission-aligned instruction and pedagogy.
    • Communicate and highlight faculty professional development experiences and achievements to the school community.

Engage meaningfully and productively with all of TJ’s internal and external constituencies to strengthen TJ’s ability to further its Mission.

TJ is a community of individuals who share a common vision for educating children and who are united in executing the School’s Mission to achieve that vision. The strength of this community is essential to each student’s success and to TJ as a whole. The School nurtures a cohesive, safe, and vibrant learning environment with students, parents, and faculty and staff working together in a spirit of trust, mutual respect, and inclusion to educate every student to make the most of their abilities. The School maintains special connections to the community of alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, and friends of TJ to enhance and support its Mission. The School seeks to strengthen and grow the TJ community through deliberate and intentional outreach to new families and new students and welcomes them with enthusiasm.


  1. School-parent partnerships are strong with clear communication and education regarding the Mission, Honor Code, goals, and practices of the school.
    • Enhance regular communication with parents regarding the Mission and value proposition of the School.
    • Enhance the onboarding of new parents to intentionally cultivate relationships and orient them to the School.
    • Further develop rites of passage and communication as students transition through the divisions of the School.
    • Enhance ways for parents to be involved and engaged in the life of the school.
  1. TJIDS alumni remain meaningfully and productively connected with the School.
    • Develop robust processes to regularly communicate and connect with alumni, and to facilitate communication and connection between alumni and with the School.
    • Develop and institutionalize processes to foster and promote the Alumni Council as a vibrant engaged group supporting TJIDS.
    • Implement ways to support and celebrate alumni through their development and life-stages.
  2. Students have multiple opportunities to connect with the community outside of TJIDS.
    • Enhance support provided to students in connecting with community engagement opportunities.
    • Increase the internal and external visibility of student connections with the community.
  3. The School has multiple connections with businesses, individuals, foundations, and community organizations that expand awareness, and enhance reputation, enrollment, and financial support.
    • Develop and implement processes to ensure the Mission is visible and communicated to the local community, potential partners, and donors.
    • Develop an ongoing process to identify, create, and sustain relationships and partnerships with new individuals and organizations and strengthen existing relationships.
    • Develop opportunities for faculty and staff to engage meaningfully as ambassadors for TJIDS with businesses, colleges, and other organizations.
    • Expand opportunities for the outside community to engage on campus.
  1. The Board of Directors is strong and dedicated to stewarding and governing the school in accordance with its Mission.
    • Regularly review committee charters and composition to ensure they continue to reflect the School’s current needs and challenges.
    • Develop consistent and reliable channels for the board to effectively communicate its objectives and priorities and strengthen regular board engagement with the school community.
    • Review and improve ongoing processes for identification of potential Mission-aligned Board members and continuing Board education and development.
  2. Both internal and external marketing and communication are consistent, robust, and effective in supporting the School’s strategic objectives.
    • Implement a marketing and communications strategy to efficiently, effectively, and consistently communicate the School’s Mission, Honor Code, story, and successes.
    • Consistently measure marketing results and refine tactics as needed.

Enrich TJ’s extra- and co-curricular programs and culture of intellectual and character development, building on TJ’s rich 30-year tradition of excellence in  these areas.

Central to TJ’s Mission are the objectives of educating students to cultivate an appreciation of the arts, develop life-long fitness skills, assume responsibility for their behavior, seek out challenge, welcome criticism, test new capacities, practice self-discipline, and find joy in learning. These objectives are supported by exceptional extracurricular and co-curricular programs such as sports, performing arts, student clubs, and summer programs, and by the Honor Code which is incorporated into all aspects of student life at TJ.


  1. Students have access to academic support and other resources that promote their growth and development as individuals building self-efficacy and personal resilience.
    • Develop and implement a process for regularly reviewing and enhancing teaching and learning modes to fully support student academic success.
    • Develop and implement a process for regularly gathering data regarding the types of support desired by students and families.
  1. Students at every grade level have opportunities to meaningfully engage in extra- and co-curricular activities and to further develop their talents and competencies in the arts, athletics, and intellectual pursuits.
    • Evaluate and enhance sports and athletic opportunities within each division to support personal growth through sportsmanship, self-discipline, perseverance, teamwork, and the development of life-long fitness skills, and to foster school spirit.
    • Evaluate and enhance performing arts opportunities within each division to support the School’s classic liberal arts curriculum, cultivate an appreciation of the arts, and build a sense of community.
    • Enhance opportunities for students to engage in clubs and contests as an extension of the academic program.
    • Evaluate and enhance the Extended Day program, tutorials, field trips, and enrichment opportunities.
    • Enhance student opportunities and community connections through assemblies and special programs.
  2. Summer enrichment programs are Mission-aligned and fully meet the needs of our students and families.
    • Evaluate and enhance the Summer Discovery Academy.
    • Consider the summer enrichment programs as recruitment opportunities and as an additional revenue stream.

Advance TJ’s Mission through deliberate and sustainable growth in enrollment and philanthropy.

An optimal level of qualified families and students fosters a diverse and dynamic social and learning environment that promotes interaction, collaboration, and a rich exchange of ideas all of which are essential to fulfilling TJ’s Mission. Full enrollment provides predictable and stable tuition revenue enabling the school to allocate resources effectively, invest in quality faculty and staff, and finance program expansion. Additionally, the development of a culture of philanthropy and the growth of a broad and deep base of donors engaged from all internal and external constituencies is critical to financial sustainability and the continuation of the School’s Mission.


  1. The School executes a clear and comprehensive plan to achieve and sustain strategic enrollment growth.
    • Review, improve, and institutionalize clear and comprehensive processes to maximize retention of Mission-aligned students and families.
    • Review, improve, and institutionalize clear and comprehensive processes to maximize recruitment of mission-aligned students and families.
    • Communicate the rationale and positive outcome of achieving the ideal size of the school, as well as the faculty and staff needed to support that growth.
  1. The School develops and executes a clear comprehensive plan to achieve financial sustainability and security.
    • Develop processes that consistently support expanding the pool of donors from both internal and external constituencies and increase philanthropic income from all constituencies.
    • Execute the ten-year financial plan that leverages the Humphreys Legacy Gift to maintain affordable tuition levels and enables the establishment of an endowment.
    • Consistently measure development results and refine tactics as needed.
  1. The School’s operational processes and campus facilities align with and support growth in enrollment and program.
    • Evaluate and enhance the administrative processes of the School to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
    • Identify the structures and spaces needed to support enrollment growth and plan for capital maintenance and expansion projects as necessary.



TJ is an important part of the community, not only because of the educational program it provides, but because of the impact the school has on families and businesses in the entire Four-States region.