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The TJ Portal

Scroll down on this page for information about logging in for the first time.  If you have already logged in, use the button below to get back in. The TJ Portal significantly improves access to homework assignments, schedules, and attendance, and allows direct access to grades as they are posted.

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The TJ Portal

Welcome to TJ’s Portal

The TJ Portal will help you stay informed about progress at school in “real time,” and is part of how technology at TJ helps you to be an active and informed participant in your child’s education.

We have guided tours built in to the system for parents and students, and we are standing by to help with any questions you have. 

Please send a message to us at [email protected] if you need assistance logging in. You may also call us at (417) 781-5124.

If you need assistance with a class or the materials posted for that class, please contact the teacher directly via the “Message” feature in the portal.

There are three things parents and students must do upon logging in for the first time:

1) Click on the profile link (name and/or photo) in the top right corner of the page, and select the “Getting Started” button. A “welcome” screen will appear, and you can select options for guided tours.  Please do the tours for “Settings” (first), and then “For Parents,” and then “Messages.” These will give you the lay of the land, and will answer a lot of of the frequently asked questions we received as we tested the system.

2) Set up a permanent password, enter your mobile phone number, opt-in to the text message service, and select when you want to be notified via text and/or e-mail.

3) Check each class in the “Classes” tab at the top of the screen to see the main class page for each class.

Please ignore the schedule, calendar, and practices pages as those will not be used until we have our students back on campus and begin athletics and activities again. 

How to log in:

Students in grades 4-12 — Visit the link below, and select “First Time Logging In” link.  Enter your school e-mail address, and select the “Username” and “Password” check boxes.  You will receive an e-mail message in your school account with your username and password.

Parents — Visit the link below, and select the “First Time Logging In” link.  Enter your e-mail address, and select the “Username” and “Password” check boxes.  You will receive an e-mail message with your username and password. Use the e-mail address we have on record (likely the same one where you receive the daily TJ News for Parents messages.  If you have trouble logging in, please send a message to [email protected] and we will help you get logged in.


Log in to the TJ Portal


We worked hard to ensure the portal is easy to use and helpful, and if you need any assistance accessing or using it, please call (417) 781-5124, or send an e-mail message to [email protected].



Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School delivers a rigorous liberal arts college preparatory curriculum in a supportive and nurturing environment.