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Athletic Boosters

Join the TJ Athletic Boosters in celebrating and supporting our student-athletes.

Order Your Sports Passes Here

Dedicated to TJ Student-Athletes

The TJ Athletic Boosters support the outstanding efforts and accomplishments of TJ’s student-athletes through fundraising and volunteer activities. The group has helped fund athletic equipment, travel, sports officials, tournaments/athletic events, and recognition of athletic achievements.

The Athletic Boosters mission: to unite students, families, fans, alumni, and community business partners with a common goal of fostering and promoting goodwill and spirit to support, promote, and maintain high standards of academics, integrity, and good sportsmanship in all athletic activities.

The Athletic Boosters invites TJ supporters to get involved. To learn more, please contact TJ Athletic Director Chris Myers at (417) 781-5124 or email him at [email protected].

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TJ Spirit Gear

Support TJ student-athletes by purchasing TJ Spirit Gear. Find appropriate and fun gear for every sports season.

Buy Now

LIMITED-TIME TJ GEAR - Order by Fri, Aug. 23rd!

Please download the appropriate form by using the links below, fill out, and return either in person or via email to Business Manager, Debie Donica ([email protected]). Items ordered by Friday, August 23rd will be delivered to the school in approximately three weeks.


TJ CAVS Sweatshirt or Hoodie 

Cavalier Dodge Ball Tournament

The annual Cavalier Dodgeball Tournament in the winter is one of the biggest fundraisers for the TJ Athletic Boosters.  Watch for upcoming announcements about team signups.



Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School delivers a rigorous liberal arts college preparatory curriculum in a supportive and nurturing environment.